Triple Axe: collaborative action for our rivers

East Devon National Landscape

Triple Axe: collaborative action for our rivers

In a nutshell...

Funding: £150,000+*

Length: 2021-2026

Location: Catchment-scale project connecting three protected areas:

East Devon National Landscape

Dorset National Landscape

Blackdown Hills National Landscape

Aim: To save one of Britain's most beautiful rivers through farmer and community engagement and innovative nature-based solutions.

*subject to additional management fees.

The opportunity

Winding its way through 22 miles of stunning British countryside from Dorset and Somerset to Devon, the River Axe is something special.

Quite literally; the river is a Special Area of Conservation, the highest protective nature designation in the UK and is thought to get its name from the Brittonic word “isca”, meaning “abundant with fish” (Westcountry Rivers Trust).

But like many of our precious rivers, the Axe is under threat. It is failing in its conservation objectives largely as the result of phosphate run-off, often associated with loss of soil. This is causing widespread pollution and species loss, poor water quality and decreasing biodiversity.

The Triple Axe partnership aims to bring People, Farming, and Nature together as the three (“Triple” Axe) core puzzle pieces in restoring the glory of the Axe. The project is already well underway with three years of achievements and learnings to shape the next phases.

Triple Axe is now seeking business funding for one or more of its nature-based solutions activities which contribute to the restoration of the river.

The project

The Triple Axe project takes a holistic view of river restoration. Activities are grouped into Farming, Nature, and People themes: each with its own relationship to the river and each as important as the next.

This funding opportunity is part of the Nature theme, and it focuses on engaging farmers and landowners throughout the entire catchment to find the best nature-based solutions to improve water quality, bring back biodiversity, and keep British farmland both productive and healthy for years to come.

It aims to do this in a few key ways:

  • To work with farmers in addressing and reducing the phosphate and sediment run-off from farms (which is one of the main contributors to the pollution in the river, amongst others).
  • To maximise every opportunity to boost the resilience of the land whilst increasing or maintaining productivity. By regenerating plants and soils, and encouraging the return of native wildlife, we can improve biodiversity and lock up more carbon.
  • Engage citizen scientists and local communities to raise their awareness and understanding of the interplay of people, soil and the river and the important role of sustainable farming.
  • To help secure British farms and their environmental resilience for the future in the face of an increasingly challenging environment.

Triple Axe has been running for three years. Having completed its pilot and testing phases, it is now ready to scale up and roll out.

So far, its partners have produced:

  • 14 Farm Resilience Plans (FRPs) through in-depth 1-1 consultations with farm businesses (learn more)
  • 5 farmer workshops
  • A grants guide for farmers to maximise their productivity and resilience
  • A “how-to” guide for setting up projects that contribute to Triple Axe for further support
  • 2 case studies (ongoing)

The FRPs produced so far provide farm businesses with a route-map to achieving Maximum Sustainable Output (MSO) - a principle that creates optimal efficiencies on the farm, saving time and money, whilst improving the environment.

The learnings from the FRPs have been used to shape the next phase of the project and ensure that any nature-based solutions fit into the farm business, as part of a bespoke agricultural transition package.

There are a variety of nature-based solutions interventions the team have identified that will help to secure the health and resilience of the river. And this is where you come in.

Businesses can fund one or more of these interventions and choose which makes most sense to their interests, strategy, supply chain, or customers. From species-rich meadows to springline mires and small woodlands, you can discuss with the team what you’re interested in supporting and how it will help to save the Axe.

Hazel dormouse: one of the many species that will benefit from habitat restoration throughout the catchment.

Key outputs

Help the Triple Axe partners to achieve:

  • 16,000 kg / year reductions in phosphate losses
  • 6,000 tonnes / year reductions in sediment losses
  • Newly generated and restored wildlife-rich habitats
  • Maximised opportunities to create a nature-rich and connected landscape
  • A crucial blueprint for nature-friendly farming and more secure, sustainable British food production


Environment Agency

Devon Wildlife Trust

Westcountry Rivers Trust

Chardstock Eco Group

Are you interested in joining this established partnership to achieve better for nature?